Introducing the NeurOptics® Smart Approach to Pupillary Evaluation, a completely automated system from patient admission to discharge.

An accurate, reliable and objective system that saves valuable nursing time and eliminates potential charting errors.

NeurOptics NPi®-300 Pupillometer

  • Precise, accurate, objective and reliable measurement of pupil diameter and pupillary response, irrespective of the experience of the healthcare professional
  • Pupillary response is expressed numerically (NPI – neurological pupil index) so that changes can be ‘trended’ in much the same way as other vital signs (BP, oxygen saturation, pulse, temperature and respiration)
  • The NPi®-300 Pupillometer incorporates a LED light source, a high precision infra-red camera and extensive microprocessor capability
  • The NPi®-300 Pupillometer also incorporates a barcode scanner which eliminates the need for an external scanner and avoids any transcription errors when manually entering a patient ID
  • The NPi-300 shows a NPi Summary Table which allows healthcare professionals to quickly identify and quantify results
  • NPi®-300 Pupillometer data output is compatible with EMR (Electronic Medical Records) systems.
  • Robust, durable, ergonomic design with texturized plastic handle and upgraded keypad
  • 2 year’s full manufacturer’s warranty extendable for a further 3 years under the SafeGuard scheme

NeurOptics SmartGuard®

  • Individual patient device incorporating RFID smart card technology
  • Up to 168 paired data sets stored in SmartGuard® memory covering median NICU stay
  • Convenient data transfer to electronic medical records
  • Patient data can be disabled in compliance with local guidance

SmartGuard® Reader by Omnikey®

  • Contactless technology retrieves and uploads patient data to EMR on demand
  • Data transfer by USB at convenient nursing station

Barcode scanning with the NPi-300

NPi-300 barcode scanning